Your initial appointment is booked for 60-75 minutes. During this time, we will discuss any and all of your health concerns, your goals, and together come up with plan to get your health to where you want it to be while you remain in the comfort of your own home.
During the appointment I will ask you a lot of questions to gain a clear picture of your current health concerns. With coffee or tea in hand, we'll spend the time chatting about all of your concerns, health history, energy levels, mood, sleep, stress, digestion, hormones, allergies, medications and anything else you would like to discuss.
I'll listen and I mean truly listen so that feel heard. I'll explain things in a way so you can understand what's going on in your body.
If you've had any recent testing done we will discuss how to access the results, if you already have access we can review them together. We'll talk about what's already been tested, what the results mean and likely what tests have been missed (there's almost always a few!)
If you take any supplements or medications having the names and doses easily accessible, always saves us time.
Together we will discuss HOW we're going to get to the bottom of your concerns and various testing and treatment options.
We will come up with an individualized plan that is achievable and makes sense for YOU. This may involve a requisition for diagnostic testing (blood work, urine testing, hormone testing, stool testing, food testing etc.).
If you have any fears about me taking away your chocolate or wine, don't fret! I strongly believe health is all about balance.
In my experience most health concerns stem from some combination of hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, digestive issues and chronic stress. When we get to the root of what's going on, and correct the above that's when we we start to see huge shifts in how you feel.
Are you ready for a change?